Client Testimonials

Margaret came into my life like an angel on a white horse at exactly the time I needed her. My 15 year old daughter is anorexic and I had no idea what to do or where to turn. Margaret explained exactly how she helps people to me and my daughter. I thought my daughter would hate opening up and talking to a stranger but she loves her weekly sessions and after just 3 weeks!!!!! I am seeing improvements! She ate a roast dinner the last 2 Sunday's which she hasn't ate for 5 months! Then on Saturday night, she agreed to eat strawberries with melted chocolate over!!! She hasn't ate chocolate since before Christmas!!! To put your daughters health and happiness in someone else's hands is hard to do but is one of the best decisions I have ever made! I now feel calm and more relaxed about the future. You are staying with us until she is at least 21 Margaret!!! Thank you

Laura Evison