Posted: 2nd October 2020.   
Read time: 3 Minutes

Author: Margaret Bell

Emotional eating raw and honest


Today I have launched an event where I will be talking openly and honestly with Marie Hall the founder of about emotional eating.

Marie will be asking deep and probing questions - no holds barred - about how the disorder of emotional eating can and does take over many women's lives, at points including my own. We will be live so I will have no chance to hide behind any of the questions! They will be aimed to find out how I equip women to overcome the ongoing grind of emotional eating and how I what I have to offer will empower you to take charge for the rest of your life.

I'm not ashamed to admit I have been down the road of emotional eating for many years but now is the time to reveal techniques I use with clients which have 100% success rates.

My journey all started with being bullied at school about my size which lead to me taking drastic action - to the point I was almost anorexic. Through my 20's I was of healthy mind and body until the massive blow of my dad's death when in all kicked off again, but this time I put on weight - a lot for me and so my journey with emotional eating went on for the next 20 years, when enough was enough.

I will tell you more about my ups and downs and what specifically brought my emotional eating to an end and how I chose self love over self loathe. It's a roller coaster of a journey but it's really worth a listen as I am sure you will be able to relate.

So I hope to see you there on the 22nd when my past and my techniques will be revealed. Book your ticket here